I am software engineer with experience in building JVM based systems. I have worked in many projects mainly for banking/finance industry for various clients from all over the world.
I am software engineer with experience in building JVM based systems. I have worked in many projects mainly for banking/finance industry for various clients from all over the world.
I am part of the team that is responsible for developing software for meal plans part of Kitopi business. Helping to transform legacy backend system into maintanable solution by reducing unnecessary complexity of both architecture and the code itself. Implementing new features enabling business to reach new markets. Working closely with product and client needs. Using clean architecture and DDD approach.
Prepared various performance fixes for critical kitchen report generation logic
Improved meal images serving by moving it from S3 to dedicated content management solution
Implemented smooth transition of customers from CRM to our own database
Integrated system with new payment provider
Main tech used: Java 21, Spring, MongoDB, Terraform, AWS (SNS, SQS, S3), Project Reactor
Resigned quickly as it ocurred to be a step back in my career.
I took part in various projects for financial sector clients from UK and Netherlands. I was involved in development of new features, common system maintanance like fixing bugs and also transforming existing old style solutions into cloud based computing in AWS. I took part in on-call support. I conducted multiple internal trainings and knowledge sharing sessions for employees and also did some of them at the universities. I took part in SDSI 2022 conference in Warsaw as a speaker.
Built a load testing framework in Gatling/Scala for legacy JSF based system
Implemented internal GraphQL API based on open-source library
Migrated big Oracle deployment to PostgreSQL
Designed async and cloud-based processing of loan files on top of legacy monolithic system
Reimplemented interservice users syncing algorithm significantly reducing time needed to process
Main tech used: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Scala, Gatling, Typescript, Serverless, AWS, Azure, GraphQL
I was responsible for designing, gaining project specification and developing web applications for managing absences in teams in our organizational unit. I was also responsible for developing new features according to documentation and fixing defects reported by end users in application designed to help officials process EU fundings. I have also designed and built web application to help managing LDAP.
Created internal team absence management application
Built LDAP management application
Main tech used: Java, Spring, Hibernate
Simple billing app with customers database created to easily issue invoices. It replaced old 3rd party solution which was no longer actively maintained.
Project treated as a playground for web development - Javascript, React and material-ui used, tests written using Jest
Database and hosting on Google Firebase
CircleCI used for test and deploy pipelines